Week of Events
Bullseye Pistol
Bullseye Pistol
20M ISSF and NRA Pistol. Targets set in holders at 20M and at 50M using the target boards. 50M Range Darren McCann bullseyermmbl@gmail.com
Rimfire and Carbine Silhouette
Rimfire and Carbine Silhouette
Silhouette from 40M to 200M will be placed for informal silhouette matches. We will be including lever and semi-auto pistol carbine with cartridges of 30-30 or less. Overflow (200 m) Range Darren McCann bullseyermmbl@gmail.com
Biathlon Training
Biathlon Training
Overflow (200 m) Range Lowell Niven lowellniven@hotmail.com Biathlon training happens on the overflow range and trail system. Biathlon targets on the north side of the berm will be used as well as sight in targets.
Thursday Night Fun Shoots – 50m range
Thursday Night Fun Shoots – 50m range
Thursday Night Fun Shoots - 50m range Thursday Night Fun Shoots are modeled after various action shooting sports. It is an opportunity for new shooters with no exposure to action shooting to be introduced to action shooting. Experienced shooters are able to practice their skills. Under supervision of a Range Officer (RO), shooters will navigate […]
Biathlon Training
Biathlon Training
Overflow (200 m) Range Lowell Niven lowellniven@hotmail.com Biathlon training happens on the overflow range and trail system. Biathlon targets on the north side of the berm will be used as well as sight in targets.