Silhouette from 40M to 200M will be placed for informal silhouette matches. We will be including lever and semi-auto pistol carbine with cartridges of 30-30 or less. Overflow (200 m) Range Darren McCann
Overflow (200 m) Range Lowell Niven Biathlon training happens on the overflow range and trail system. Biathlon targets on the north side of the berm will be used as well as sight in targets.
Thursday Night Fun Shoots - 50m range Thursday Night Fun Shoots are modeled after various action shooting sports. It is an opportunity for new shooters with no exposure to action shooting to be introduced to action shooting. Experienced shooters are able to practice their skills. Under supervision of a Range Officer (RO), shooters will navigate […]
Overflow (200 m) Range Lowell Niven Biathlon training happens on the overflow range and trail system. Biathlon targets on the north side of the berm will be used as well as sight in targets.
SPFGA Outdoor Youth Program Introduction to Archery The Sherwood Park Fish and Game Association Outdoor Youth Program is grounded in the understanding that children and youth play a crucial role as future stewards of our planet. Through outdoor education initiatives, the program aims to nurture responsible environmental stewardship. Research indicates that engaging in outdoor activities […]
SPFGA Outdoor Woman's Program Introduction to Archery The SPFGA Outdoor Woman's Program (OWP) was developed to provide enriching educational experiences and engaging activities, all within a supportive and inclusive environment. Our goal is to empower women by offering a diverse range of activities, fostering a deep connection with nature, while cultivating skills that contribute to […]
Silhouette from 40M to 200M will be placed for informal silhouette matches. We will be including lever and semi-auto pistol carbine with cartridges of 30-30 or less. Overflow (200 m) Range Darren McCann
Cowboy Action Shooters (CAS) - pistol, rifle, and shotgun shooting with a Western flair; Tuesday nights 5-8 pm on the 50 m range. 50 m Range Contact Bernie Engle (780) 719-7633
Overflow (200 m) Range Lowell Niven Biathlon training happens on the overflow range and trail system. Biathlon targets on the north side of the berm will be used as well as sight in targets.
Thursday Night Fun Shoots - 50m range Thursday Night Fun Shoots are modeled after various action shooting sports. It is an opportunity for new shooters with no exposure to action shooting to be introduced to action shooting. Experienced shooters are able to practice their skills. Under supervision of a Range Officer (RO), shooters will navigate […]
Overflow (200 m) Range Lowell Niven Biathlon training happens on the overflow range and trail system. Biathlon targets on the north side of the berm will be used as well as sight in targets.
200m Overflow Range and 50m Range SPFGA multigun follows a 3 gun format with both paper and reactive metal and clay targets. these targets are in non traditional positions on the range but within the CFO range certifications. All shooters are under the supervision of an RO while on the range with a loaded firearm. […]
Silhouette from 40M to 200M will be placed for informal silhouette matches. We will be including lever and semi-auto pistol carbine with cartridges of 30-30 or less. Overflow (200 m) Range Darren McCann
Cowboy Action Shooters (CAS) - pistol, rifle, and shotgun shooting with a Western flair; Tuesday nights 5-8 pm on the 50 m range. 50 m Range Contact Bernie Engle (780) 719-7633
Overflow (200 m) Range Lowell Niven Biathlon training happens on the overflow range and trail system. Biathlon targets on the north side of the berm will be used as well as sight in targets.
Thursday Night Fun Shoots - 50m range Thursday Night Fun Shoots are modeled after various action shooting sports. It is an opportunity for new shooters with no exposure to action shooting to be introduced to action shooting. Experienced shooters are able to practice their skills. Under supervision of a Range Officer (RO), shooters will navigate […]
Overflow (200 m) Range Lowell Niven Biathlon training happens on the overflow range and trail system. Biathlon targets on the north side of the berm will be used as well as sight in targets.
Have you, a friend, or a family member been wanting to get your firearms licence? Well, you're in luck! Adriel Michaud, SPFGA member, aka The Hunting Gear Guy, will be teaching CFSC (PAL) courses at the clubhouse on several dates throughout 2024: July 20 August 10 September 7 October 12 The Canadian Firearms Safety Course […]
200m (Overflow) Bay Monthly event using the rules and course of fire provided by the Outlaw Rimfire Precision Series. See Downward reflecting metal targets are placed from 25m to 100m, targets range in size from 0.25” inches to 5.0”. There are 5 shoot lanes that will be setup, each with its own course of […]
By popular demand, Adriel will also be teaching the CRFSC (RPAL) course at SPFGA! The Canadian Restricted Firearms Safety Course (CRFSC) is the course that anyone wanting to acquire restricted firearms must complete after passing the CFSC (PAL) course in order to apply for a Restricted Possession and Acquisition Licence (RPAL). Having an RPAL is […]
Silhouette from 40M to 200M will be placed for informal silhouette matches. We will be including lever and semi-auto pistol carbine with cartridges of 30-30 or less. Overflow (200 m) Range Darren McCann
Event cancelled SPFGA Outdoor Youth Program Marksmanship and Biathlon The Sherwood Park Fish and Game Association Outdoor Youth Program is grounded in the understanding that children and youth play a crucial role as future stewards of our planet. Through outdoor education initiatives, the program aims to nurture responsible environmental stewardship. Research indicates that engaging in […]
Overflow (200 m) Range Lowell Niven Biathlon training happens on the overflow range and trail system. Biathlon targets on the north side of the berm will be used as well as sight in targets.
Thursday Night Fun Shoots - 50m range Thursday Night Fun Shoots are modeled after various action shooting sports. It is an opportunity for new shooters with no exposure to action shooting to be introduced to action shooting. Experienced shooters are able to practice their skills. Under supervision of a Range Officer (RO), shooters will navigate […]
Event cancelled SPFGA Outdoor Youth Program Marksmanship and Biathlon The Sherwood Park Fish and Game Association Outdoor Youth Program is grounded in the understanding that children and youth play a crucial role as future stewards of our planet. Through outdoor education initiatives, the program aims to nurture responsible environmental stewardship. Research indicates that engaging in […]
Overflow (200 m) Range Lowell Niven Biathlon training happens on the overflow range and trail system. Biathlon targets on the north side of the berm will be used as well as sight in targets.
Silhouette from 40M to 200M will be placed for informal silhouette matches. We will be including lever and semi-auto pistol carbine with cartridges of 30-30 or less. Overflow (200 m) Range Darren McCann
Overflow (200 m) Range Lowell Niven Biathlon training happens on the overflow range and trail system. Biathlon targets on the north side of the berm will be used as well as sight in targets.
Thursday Night Fun Shoots - 50m range Thursday Night Fun Shoots are modeled after various action shooting sports. It is an opportunity for new shooters with no exposure to action shooting to be introduced to action shooting. Experienced shooters are able to practice their skills. Under supervision of a Range Officer (RO), shooters will navigate […]
Overflow (200 m) Range Lowell Niven Biathlon training happens on the overflow range and trail system. Biathlon targets on the north side of the berm will be used as well as sight in targets.